Current Certified Openings
Substitutes (Classroom or School Foods )
& Bus Drivers
If interested in being a substitute teacher or bus driver, please complete a Non-Certified Application or follow specific directions in the job postings above.
Additional ICSS Job Openings: | Closing Date: |
ongoing | |
ongoing | |
ongoing |
Anyone interested in being a bus driver or substitute driver should have a valid driver license with a CDL and school bus endorsement or be willing to obtain a CDL license.
If interested in working on the School Foods Department as a Substitute, please complete a School Foods Application or contact Lisa Pettis at the Irwin Co Board of Education.
Unless otherwise indicated in a specific job announcement, submit the completed application and all supporting documentation to:
Irwin County Board of Education
Attn: Candice Cobb
P.O. Box 225
210 Apple Street
Ocilla, GA 31774
229-468-7220 (fax)